Jordan captured this beauty at our mac-and-cheese taste-test earlier this week (Kraft always wins, spirals and elbows are each tasty in their own way). We are getting Jordan training with the Polaroid for
the show we are both partaking in this March. And, to my advantage, this test proved useful for the old NVP:

[The alt text tells you a back story. LITERALLY.]
ps Now that I am done with college every evening feels like the weekend. Which is not good for work the next morning.
pps Ryan can you see
aviator panda peeping out?
The only thing that reminds me of the g-parents is the smell of moth balls.
ReplyDeletePEEKABOO AVIATOR PANDA! I was at Ralphs (RALPHS of all places!) yesterday, and I saw a four-page book about a panda.
The covers were made of fleece; the pages were made of cotton fabric.
Should I still talk to you about this Polaroid business? I'm so irresponsible.
P.S. Yay for regular updates!
ReplyDeleteand when you watch ka-tongs in the morning don't lie.
ReplyDeletepandas don't have fleece silly book writers. perhaps they meant sheep but by the time it went to print it was too late. did you document said book for panda blog??
my eyes are going to fall out from sleepiness, and my ears with them, but yes, talk to me about polaroid business. i am all about polaroid business all the time. except for when body parts are about to fall off for tiredness. email me or something? then i can read it in the morning and be hooray work is better in the morning because i have fun emails from ryan! or comment reply emails from ryan! one or the other.
and i am all about regular updates when they happen. YAY! i am glad you are too :)
and also, apparently, i am all about leaving the longest blog comment replies EVAR on my own blog. dare to out do me?
Except I _don't_ watch ka-tongs in the morning anymore, but man if you replaced watch ka-tongs with sleeping in after a long night of partying, well, I guess I still don't party that much so let's drop this though experiment without further ado.
ReplyDeleteHow am I doing? On track for a comment-longer-than-original-post? I think so. All it needs is a picture, which I don't think I can do in the comment section.
My mistake; it's EIGHT pages (including covers). I think _somebody_ had a cool idea and got lazy when it came time for execution! Also, the other book in the series is Little Monkey, I think someone at the publishing company is getting his animals jumbled up.
I'm going to email you in a sec with a photo of polaroids I have, but...
hmm i've never tried a photo in the comment section, but it's worth a shot.
ReplyDeletepanda book will make its way to panda blog shortly, don't you worry.
i await polaroid email. and the end of the ellipses after but...
...but I'm going to save the rest of this sentence for later so I can extend this comment chain for as long as it will go.
ReplyDeleteActually, the "but..." meant "but I'm not sure any of them are worth looking at." Thanks for getting me to look through them; nostalgia is a funny feeling.